The HuffPost

1. "Dutch King And Queen Abandon Vacation After Being Slammed For Travel Amid Pandemic"  -  
Press Release

2. "Michigan Gov. Lashes Trump For Endangering Her Life After Rally ‘Lock Her Up’ Chant"  -  Investigative Journalism

3. "Trump Struggling To Keep Upper Midwest States In His Corner"  -  Press Release

One of the news media sources that I am often exposed to is the HuffPost due to my subscription to their facebook page. And from my experience as a reader of their online articles, I have come to the conclusion that the reason I enjoy reading them is because they lean closer towards the liberal side which is what I personally support as well. And w
hen reading the titles of some of the articles, especially the ones about Donald Trump, it becomes abundantly clear that the website sides with the democratic party, which explains why Republicans often claim the news source is biassed. 

I understand the need for headlines and article titles to be eye catching and instantly intriguing, but I personally do not believe that the article titles on the HuffPost can be considered misleading. I felt as though the titles could have been written in a more clickbait-y way had that been the intention, but they weren't. In fact, the titles seem to sum up the contents of the articles rather concisely, and accurately.

My main criticism about the articles would be that they only see to show the democrat's side of the story, such as in the case with the third article where although it mentions the fact that Trump is losing supporters in the Midwest, which is a fact, it fails to mention states where Trump still does have support, creating an unrealistic image of Trump's chances of winning the next elections. This method of journalism may have achieved its goal of making Trump appear as though he is losing influence, but it could also be interpreted by some as an underestimation of the amount of support Trump still possesses, possibly causing Joe Biden's supporters to feel that voting is not necessary. The HuffPost is likely catering to its audience of liberal democrats, however it would be better journalism for them to report on news in a less one sided manner.


Ap. (2020, October 17). Dutch King And Queen Abandon Vacation After Being Slammed For Travel Amid Pandemic. Retrieved October 18, 2020, from

Ap. (2020, October 17). Trump Struggling To Keep Upper Midwest States In His Corner. Retrieved October 18, 2020, from

Papenfuss, M. (2020, October 18). Michigan Gov. Lashes Trump For Endangering Her Life After Rally 'Lock Her Up' Chant. Retrieved October 18, 2020, from
